Published inBetter MarketingInterruption Marketing is Dying a Slow DeathInstead of measuring our ability to fulfill a vision by how much, we ought to be asking how wellMar 1, 2022Mar 1, 2022
Conservatives and Liberals Both Have It WrongThere is a third way, and it has nothing to do with politicsDec 30, 2021Dec 30, 2021
Published inEquality Includes YouIt’s Time to be Impeccable with our WordsChanging language to reflect a higher aspirational goal of unity and respect.Dec 17, 2021Dec 17, 2021
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Published inBetter MarketingThe Mysterious Missing Element Most Marketers are OverlookingIntentionality offers us deliverance from marketing that doesn’t fully land with an audienceNov 18, 2021Nov 18, 2021
Hey Liberals, You Need to Not GloatOtherwise we’ll find ourselves back in the same place four years from nowNov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020
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Published inWe the People ProjectUnited We Stand, Divided We FallIt’s We the People, not We the (insert party name here)Sep 21, 2020Sep 21, 2020
Published inMind CafePositive Entrainment Is a Little-Known SuperpowerHow every choice we make has a profound effect on the lives we live.Apr 17, 2020Apr 17, 2020
Published inMind CafeHow to Climb Seemingly Insurmountable MountainsOne simple thing we often forget to do that can inspire us to triumph over our greatest life challenges.Dec 2, 2019Dec 2, 2019